Burn Out

Assalamualikum and good day fellas. 

It has been a while Im on this blog writing out something. I just want to rant how my old is going on even I don’t know what will happen to me. I’m scared to be honest. The future seems so dark and I feel like I’m on walking tiny rope. 

I can’t do my assignment on time. I totally lost. Broken. Trying to find a way to survive. 

I hope I’m not alone in this. 

Sometimes life seems unfair. 

When I thought my life is very painful. Someone come and said tell me my life story is perfect and beautiful. It bring tears. A tears of joy. I lost my word. I really feel thankful for let me stumble to that kind person. 

If you ever stumble to this blog one day, you know who are you :) 

Anyway yeah, I start slowly to find a way to do all my assignment and assessment.. May Allah easy the journey.  

spread love ♥


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