thank you reader!

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 Menhera Chan Stare GIF - MenheraChan Stare Manga GIFs

Assalamualaikum da hi!

Hehehe. I just wanna stop by here and thanked to those yang comment on my recent post and old post or any my post. Terkejut sangat ada orang komen dekat blog ni. Aina sangat-sangat menghargai. Maaf kalau Aina tak reply dan blogwalking. Aina bukan tak nak... Selalu bila buka laptop tu ada je task kena buat. 

Lepas tu dah habis task terus shut down laptop dan golek golek atas katil dah. Maklum lah kelas online. Penat hadap task ni tak sama dengan penat ngadap benda melalaikan. Opsie!


Hahaha, scroll masuk tiktok, masuk twitter, tengok netflix. Haaaaa. Maaf ye readers! Aina akan berusaha menjadi seorang yang rajin. Ceyy! But really, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

 Mungkin di mata anda macam sikit, tapi di mata Aina. Benda ini sangat bermakna. Feel like I have found another purpose to keep blogging. Even sikit. 


Other than that, niat Aina menulis memang untuk simpanan kenang-kenangan. Sebab Aina tak nak kehilangan memori sesuatu perkara. Maybe dah ada instagram dan pelbagai lagi. But blog have a special place in my heart. Since I dah sebati menulis dengan panjang tanpa rasa bersalah di sini. Tapi I tak nak macam facebook. I dont know how to explain, do you understand apa yang I cuba sampaikan ni? uhuhu. 

Blog ni macam escape place for me to rant and be myself. When no one to listens to me, when I need a place to tell my heart, blog always be fav. I do scroll my own blog, and re-read what I have wrote. And I smiled to myself. 

Proud with myself. There were times I can't believe I mampu lalui benda tu. It a place for me to brag to myself. 

When my family and close friend read my blog, they will read as if I was in front of them. They can 'listen' to my story.

I don't know if you feel anything same like me, share your thought!


Esokk weekend! So inshaaAllah Aina akan panjangkan langkah ke blog andaa! :)  



  1. eh eh ada komen kitewlah...hahahah....samalah kita je dunia pelarian palong awesome....

    yeay aina kembali lagi...:O

  2. da lama x stalk blog aina! blog still comel cam dulu. hikkk

  3. Aina share lah movie, drama or series yang Aina tengah layan sekarang ni.. Or anything yg best best? ^^


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