Writer block.


Actually, I got a lot of things in my mind right now. I want to rant out how tired I'm with upcoming finals, how tired I'm when I'm thinking what should I do in future, but then it comes out nothing. I don't know how to start. I don't know how to express through words.

Maybe I've been in hiatus in a long time, so I need to find back my writing spirit to chase away my writer-block-syndrome.

Oh, btw I want to thanks to all my readers who emailed me and tell me how much I inspire their lives, to keep going in their lives. I love you. Really do.

Btw, do you have any suggestion for me regarding my writer-block-syndrome? 

Adios peeps!


  1. Sama la kita. That's why I choose write like telling a story to people. ala, macam kita sembang² ftf tu. hee~

  2. miss u a lot darlingggg ainaaaaaaa!!!!!


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