New chapter of my life.

Assalamualaikum semua, so after a week I'm not updating my blog.. I'm back gais!  Yeah. I know you gais miss me. Give a hug buddy! yeah. I miss you too.

So.. I just got home, after 2 hours driving from my university and drop my friend at her home and I'm verry tired. After Maghrib prayer I thought I want to sleep, but I can't. Cause I can't stop story everything happen in my new chapter of my life to my parents. So, my mom get sleepy cause she tired and now she's sleeping. I guess my story is for her bedtime story.

Sooo I want to summarize my weeks!


Alhamdulillah, a week ago I got my offer letter from my uni after I fill up the form online. I never expect that I will be here, cause I don't think I deserve it. But, Allah know what the best for me. HIS plan is the greatest plan. Rezeki!


After I left mahaad, I meet a lot kind of people. But it will never be the same. I miss my maahad so much. I miss how I don't need to feel akward to wear my not-so-tudung-labuh. I miss to be around ustaz and ustazah. I've been looking for new life, but here.. I'm getting my life back. and also a loooot of friends.


and now.. I kind of missing this view...
Minggu Silatturahim
Actually I got a lot of things to share with you guys. But I'm getting sleepy. So yeah. Maybe tomorrow!  See ya!


  1. semoga segalanya dipermudahkan :)

  2. Best of luck kat tempat baru! xD (Walaupun dah nak dekat sebulan.. lol)


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