Politik dan agama tak boleh campur?


Bilik, rumah.

Sebenarnya.. homework aku tengah menimbun. Esok ada kelas Physics and Sejarah. but I'm not finish my homework yet. Suddenly something pop up in my mind. I am very sure most of us will say that Politics and Agama should not be mixed up each other. However, do you ever know Rasulullah also a Prime Minister when baginda leaves Macca?

Do you remember when he left his home for Hijrah to Madinah? He was Prime Minister for 10 years! The idea to separate the Islam and Politics adalah dari negara Barat.

How come most of us said that politics and agama should not be mixed up?

In fact, Islam ask us to da'wah. How come we can da'wah if we don't have power. Yes, I believe we will say

You don't need power lah to da'wah or to spread Islam. all you need is sincerity. 

 I would love to ask you..

What will you do if you are in trouble? If your life are mess up, if your feel you're alone. Maybe you will listen to music until you cry and then you sleep. but when you wake up.. you'll fell loss. deep in your heart , you will feel like you have loss something.

and when you don't know what you want to do.

you listen to Quran, read it and taddabur. at the end , we will said

Allah. Please help me. You're very gracious, and merciful. 
Because that what we called fitrah. Be yourself. the real you.

See? No matter what happen to your life, in the end you will see Islam have solution. Soooo muchh.
Never give up from his Rahmat.

so that's why we cannot separate Islam and Politics, because with power we can do hudud and so much more. We can do what Allah have said. InshaaAllah, the crime will decrease.

Because every single problem happen to Malaysia actually is Kafarah. it happen because toooo much sins that we've created. Allahu.

I'm just sharing my opinion. big sorry for my english , big sorry if you dont get why I'm trying to say.

Kalau Islam dan politik tak sama.. korang panggil pemerintahan Bani Abbasiyah, Bani Umaiyah  apa dia? Bukan tu politk ke? Hehe. Nite





  1. Betul,, pemerintah yg x m'gamalkan ajaran islam scra m'yeluruh akan m'merintah negara dgn nafsu…

  2. no matter what u do.. Islam is number one.
    good sharing aina

  3. Tu lah, pernah terfikir dulu.. Waktu perang Israel dengan Palestin. I may not know much, tapi orang Palestin mati, berperang bunuh sebab mempertahankan agama. Yet in Malaysia, politik is the sensitive spot here. Masuk BN kena panggil macai. Hek. Kemain tikam mulut diaaa. Mungkin tak mengakibatkan peperangan dari segi fizikal, tapi dalam hati tu banyak yang mati...


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